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How it works
Everyone needs a SMART Health Report that gives a holistic health view.
And so, Reliance MedLab provides SMART, Personalised, Accurate, Simplified and Interpretive reports,
so that you can easily understand your health status.
Let us see the 5 S’s that will help you to get your SMART HEALTH REPORT.
SMARTLY Designed Website
Visit the Reliance MedLab website or
walk into your nearest Lab / Collection Centre.
SMART Health Test
Take a SMART health test by answering a few questions related to your lifestyle, medical and family history.
SMART Health Score
Get your SMART health score and
recommended health packages/tests.
SMART Medlab Centre/Home Visit
Visit the nearest SMART MedLab centre or
book a home visit to get yourself tested.
SMART Health Report
Know your health status with the help of a SMART health report at your fingertips, simply by visiting the Reliance MedLab website.
P.S: Consult your doctor for any advice or call our Reliance MedLab expert to know more.